Mohammad Ali Nilforooshan

R counrse in Mexico, April 2015


This web page is for the R course at Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico, April 2015.
Course notes, presentation files, R scripts and sample data will be provided here during the course.

Registeration form:

Course schedule:

Date Time Time
Monday, 13 April 10:30-12:00 14:00-16:00
Tuesday, 14 April   14:00-16:00
Wednesday, 15 April   14:00-16:00
Thursday, 16 April 09:00-11:00 14:00-16:00
Friday, 17 April 10:30-12:30  
Monday, 20 April   14:00-16:00

Other schedules:

Date Time
Wednesday, 15 April 13:00-14:00 (Interbull Activities)
Tuesday, 21 April 15:30-17:30 (Pedigree checking and package pedigreemm)
Wednesday, 22 April 13:00-14:00 (An Introduction to International genetic evaluations of Bovine)
Thursday, 23 April 10:00-12:00 (Genomic evaluation)

Home work 1:
Home work 2:

Dear student, please follow this link to get the R codes that I share with you during the course.

Dear student, you can download the presentation and data files below.
Course materials for each day will be provided the same day.

File Description Size
20150415.pdf Presentation file “Interbull Activities”; Wednesday, 15 April 2015 567k
20150422.pdf Presentation file “An Introduction to International genetic evaluations of Bovine”; Wednesday, 22 April 2015 2236k
beetle.csv Experiment data for a sire model analysis of beetle fecundity (Data: Messina & Fry, 2003) 5k
data1.csv data1.txt, comma separated 10k
data1.txt Sample data, containing ID, protein level in the diet, birth weight, and wean weight of animals 10k
homework1.txt 1k
pedigreemm.pdf Presentation file about pedigree checking and pedigreemm 705k
Presentation_day1.pdf Presentation file from the 1st day 4377k
Presentation_day2.pdf Presentation file from the 2nd day 1526k
Presentation_day3.pdf Presentation file from the 3rd day 1916k
Presentation_day4.pdf Presentation file from the 4th day 2664k
Presentation_day5.pdf Presentation file from the 5th day 1446k
Presentation_day6.pdf Presentation file from the 6th day 1483k