Clone a repository

git clone <sourse>

Clone a specific branch of a repository

git clone -b <branch> <sourse>

Create a local repository

git init

See the changed files since the last commit

git status

Add/remove all the current changes to the next commit

git add .

Commit the changes

git commit -m "message"

Give commit extra description

git commit -m "message


See the changes to the tracked files

git diff

Compare a file between two branches

git diff mybranch master -- myfile.cs

See the log of the commited changes, starting from the most recent

git log

See the log of the commited changes for a specific file

git log -p <filename>

Discard the last commit

git reset --hard HEAD^

Discard the last 2 commits

git reset --hard HEAD^^

Reset to a specific commit and discard the more recent commits

git reset --hard <commit ID>

Discard the last commit, but preserving the changes as unstaged changes

git reset HEAD^

There is also git revert for reverting back to a previous commit. It will undo changes up to the state before the specified commit ID. git revert is a new commit of a previous commit. It does not discard the latest commits. I found this useful:

git revert <commit ID> # We are interested in the commit before this one!
# View the files.
git reset --hard HEAD^ # Discard the previous revert (commit).

This way is even better:

git checkout <previous commit ID>
git switch - # Get back to the commit from which you checked out to <previous commit ID> (latest commit).

Updating local files by downloading the latest changes

git pull <remote> <branch>

Note that git pull is equivalent to git fetch && git merge.

Add a remote to a local repository

git remote add origin<user>/<repo>.git

Update the remote address (change of repository name) in a local repository

git remote set-url origin<user>/<repo>.git

To verify the remote:

git remote -v

Push local changes to a remote

git push -u origin master

List the existing branches; the current one is highlighted

git branch

Create a new branch from the HEAD of the curent branch

git branch <branchname>

Note that git checkout -b <new-branch> is equivalent to git checkout -b <new-branch> <existing-branch> and git branch <new-branch> && git checkout <new-branch>.

Check-out from the current branch and check-in to a new branch

git checkout <branchname>

Alternatively, use

git switch <branch>

Optionally a new branch could be created with either -c or -C options.

Moving to the master branch and merge the new branch with the master branch

git checkout master
git merge <branchname>

Delete a branch

git branch -d <branchname>

Use tags to assign milestones such as v1, v1.1 and v2 to a commit. You may have one or multiple tags on a branch.

List tags

git tag

Add a tag to the last commit

git tag <tagname>

Push tags to GitHub

git push --tags

Delete a tag locally

git tag -d <tagname>

Delete a locally deleted tag on GitHub

git push origin :<tagname>

Remove files that are not under version control

git clean -f -q

To undo the effects of git add and unstage the staged changes, use git restore. Examples are:

git restore index.html # Undo the added cahnges to index.html
git restore --staged index.html # Undo staged changes to index.html
git restore --source 7173808e index.html # Restore index.html to the #7173808e commit

Discard uncommitted changes to the README file

git checkout README

Forgot to make a small change and made a commit? You can amend to the last commit (make changes to the last commit without making a new commit)

You can use the same command to change the commit message. If you have already pushed the commit to, you will have to force push a commit with an amended message (git push --force-with-lease origin BRANCHNAME).

git commit --amend -m "MESSAGE"

Get rid of the deleted branches

git remote prune origin